Freight Forwarding - Airfreight/Warehousing
Freight Forwarding - Airfreight/ Warehousing
Airfreight Domestic & International from the US to Europe, Asia, Russia, India, Central & South America, and the Caribbean Islands including P.R.
Being a member of CNS- IATA , we have contracts with all major Airlines. Allowing us to offer shippers a variety of options by being able to choose a carrier to better fit their needs not only on service but in cost
General cargo, Valuable Cargo or Special project Cargos, Hazardous materials. Priority Service, we are fully equipment to handle any air shipment to and from anywhere in the world.
- CTPAT Certified
- IATA – CNS – Member Certification
- TSA – Approved No. SO0306003
Warehousing Services
- Packing – Palletizing to include Shrink Wrap, Straps & SealsWHSE Tracking Receiving.
- Warehouse receipts are send automatically thru our system allowing shippers, clients to receive information Life while is happening
- Wood Crating utilizing treated wood, stamped and approved for shipping. Crates are tailored made in house to a specific size or need
- Bonded Warehouse
- Bonded CFS
- Bonded IBEC
- HAZ MAT Certified
- Bonded IBEC
- HAZ MAT Certified

We Ship Cars
Requirements for Both Air & Ocean
- Original Title
- FNotarized POA from owner
- D/G – Export IMO
For more details for both Export & Import of Vehicles, pls. reach our office. [email protected]